The name itself defines multi-people gaming together. This concept is very basic that comes from local game we play physically which requires team work, equipment and rules. For example Cricket, is a local game which requires two team, batsman, an empire, a bowler, a playground and filders and standard rules which are known to players and viewers. Similarly, Online in gaming the concept was introduced in the game called Doom.

Doom is a MS DOS game franchise which is like a maze shooter. The player is moving with health life, armour, weapons and shooting evils in the maze. The goal is to kill the master villain and win the maze, clearing all the levels.

How multiplayers games started:

Doom is the first game which was introduced as first-person shooter gameplay. Doomguy is the hero killing demons in the maze map with difficult levels and further episodes were added. This game is a horror genre types game mode. The concept of the game is where scientists a portal on moon where aliens emerge. The series of levels and difficulties with interesting design of the game brings the fun and excitement in game. The urge to discover more levels and win the world of maze attracted the users.

In those times, this Doom was the game to start multiplayer in-players gaming connected through network local lan from pc to pc and fight in the deathmatch levels. This was only Two-Player match which slowly used a lan first, then phone line dial-up internet connection using a modem and cables. This game was known to large audience and had new term of “deathmatch” in multiplayer mode.

The strong fan base kept rising and still being played by users around the world. Doom franchise was first to experiment multiplayer gaming via pc to pc and over the internet. Not only that, It is the first game in first-person shooter game. As the Dial-up Internet foundation was introduced, players connected over internet using each others ip address and connect in the deathmatch rounds.

The purpose of Multi-player gaming is to bring players together on teamwork and achieve goals in the gameplay. This is most satisfying and IQ building process which evolves the players mindset and emphasis on building strategies. Games like AOE (Age of Empires), Counterstike 1.6, Dota, Team Fortress and Today’s Generation Mobile Multiplayer game PUBG, aka Battlegrounds are best examples of modern and classic multiplayer games with a Strong and Rising fan base.

Classic Games VS Modern Multiplayer games:

The most latest and modern game which is world famous is known as PUBG (Battergrounds). This game is build in China. The purpose of this game is Multiplayer gaming over Internet with new players arounds the world or with your team with other team over a interesting map and fightning each other to eventually win the match with a “Winner Winner, Chiken Dinner” Tag. This is the slogan of this game. Comparing the first most famous game in multiplayer gaming over local lan and internet game servers is Counter Strike 1.6. These two games are first person shooter games with two teams and map defined rules and target to accomplish.

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