Pac-man is a old Retro game that comes from the age of Arcade Gaming culture. This game consist of a yellow hungry pills eater that keeps sounding as PAC-PAC in the background in a maze map which also has 4 colorful ghosts and some power pills in the path. You cannot control the speed of pac-man moving forward but have to make quick decisions to follow the path avoid enemies and eat them too if you get the powerpill. These pill has a power to frighten the enemies away or send them back to home circle and continue moving foward in the maze.

Pacman – Powerpills

This game originates from the land of Japan. Toru Iwatani is the name of this game developer called PAC-MAN. Pac-man is mainly attracted to players due to its colorful design and creative sound effects in the background which will keep you hooked with this game. In those times, Arcade games were mostly made on concepts of killing aliens using spaceships and fire weapons. This is was biologically not appealing to womens and few people who don’t loved to play games. Toru, the game developer working with Bandai Namco decided to make a different type of game with interesting model and design.

What influenced the idea behind pac-man?

PACMAN – Gameplay

Pac-man game plot is inspired from the cartoon tv series known as “Popeye the Sailor man”. A hero and villain. The hero is weak until he eats Spinach as Power to fight the enemies. Toru also used Japanese ghost that looks like casper. So these ideas were ploted to invent gaming look. The sound of the game is also very amusing which took the gaming fun to next level.

PAC-Man is so colorful and amusing to hear with a simple plot which makes this game so memorable. Exploring the game mechanics, There are 4 ghosts that has 4 modes, either they will chase the yellow pacman or will move in scatter form in the maze. If pacman eats a power-pellet also know as Power pills the ghost will change their color to Frightened mode and run away from pacmans position. If pacman is in powermode, comes to eat the ghosts, they will be thrown back to their home territory thats the center of the maze. In general, ghost starts in scatter mode and pacman can start eating all foods in the map, to move to next level. Pacman was an innovative idea which is amazing creation if you analyze the games available before pacman in those arcade times.

The Pacman effect:


Japanese government in arcade times, had to make extra coins in order to full-fill incoming demands for coins. A lot of coins were used in arcade machines that were filled with huge demand of gameplay. The stores were filled with a pacman merchandise everywhere. Pacman was making money which truly attracted all sorts of people. Pacman was selling like hot sales under Namco. This game was developed on the basic concept of eating. The Arcade title for the pacman was initially named as PUCKMAN which was changed later. The first arcade machine of PACMan was installed in a movie theatre of city Tokiyo, Japan. Pacman game won over the voilent games based on war and space invaders and won the heart of all public. The reason pacman is so colorful and artitistic because the game developer wanted to serve this to women and girls. This is also known for home games, which can be played by all types of family members. Idea of yellow pacman comes from the idea of missing piece from a pizza which inspired the main character of this game.

Pacman was designed for Females

Even the famous game developer of MARIO, admitted that PACMAN is a simple and exciting game that creates tension to win the maze by avoiding all 4 ghosts. You can play the doodle version of the pacman, which was released by Google LLC as a celebration of 30th Anniversary and Success of this exciting game, PACMAN.

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